Cris Chapman and Jack Inglis have been making coffee in Portland since 2004- first as Floyd’s Coffee Shop, and now in Ladd’s Addition as Floyd’s Coffee House and Wine Bar. Floyd’s began as a “drive thru or stay put” on the corner of S.E. 15th and Morrison. In the ensuing fifteen years they built and operated three shops around inner Portland.

In 2018 Cris and Jack decided to sell all their Floyd’s locations and by sheer luck dodged the Covid bullet.

When the former Palio space on Ladd’s Circle became available in 2023, they jumped at the chance to return to the coffee business. Ladd’s Addition became the perfect place to re-imagine Floyd’s as a coffee house that opens into the evening as a wine bar with light fare, coffee, and desserts.

Floyd’s is a locally owned business, with locally sourced products, proudly operating in the heart of beautiful Ladd’s Addition.

Who is Floyd?

When trying to figure out what to call the their first coffee business in 2004, a friend of co-owner Cris Chapman suggested they name it after her father. The idea stuck, and Floyd’s Coffee Shop became a thing. Fast forward 20 years to the opening of their new shop on Ladd’s Circle, and it just made sense to bring Floyd back into the mix- this time as Floyd’s Coffee House and Wine bar

Floyd Chapman, a sixth generation Oregonian, was born in Portland the early 1930’s. Sports, hunting, and card games were not his passion- but inventing things was. One of his hobbies as a teen was adding small motors to his bikes, converting them into mini-motorcycles. Later in life as father of four he concocted a version of distilled coffee syrup. This allowed him to make just one cup at a time by adding his syrup to either hot or cold water, depending on the season. Before E-bikes, Keurigs and cold brew, Floyd was ahead of his time.

Always the entrepreneur, Floyd forged his own path, creating a small business that designed and built pumping systems. His life-long partner Rose worked alongside him as bookkeeper until his passing in the mid 1980’s. Cris and Jack have in many ways followed in his footsteps as Mom and Pop business owners- no doubt with Floyd’s blessings.

Our Coffee

Meet our Roaster Nicole Tignor

Based in Portland Nicole has been working on roasting coffee for years. She is well versed in the history of coffee while being SCA certified for her knowledge of different roast profiles and personal palate. Her goal is helping small business’s grow within the coffee community and spreading knowledge about the industry as whole and its future in sustainability.